So Cold. So Many Miles.

I was completely exhausted when I got home from work today. Because I have to drive like 45 minutes to work while I’m in Virginia I have leave my hotel at 5:30 am. This means I’m waking up at 4:45 am. This is like 1:45 am for me because of the time difference. I’m not OK with this (not that I have a choice). So when I get home I’m pretty exhausted and I really felt it today. This led to me taking forever to go out and run today so it was colder and quite possibly windier than it has been. I don’t know how I’m going to do this cold weather business when I live in D.C. 

On the plus side running in the cold really wakes you up! 

Oh and good news! I made it through this run without having to stop for a bathroom break! The curse is lifted! 

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